Sinto America’s robotic peening machine is based on a 6-axis robot, manipulating a pressure-blast shot peening system. The machine includes a 24” diameter rotary indexing table which can be controlled as a 7th axis of robotic motion. This system minimizes floor space utilization and designed for ease of maintenance and calibration functions, utilizing Sinto’s years of shot peening experience.… Read more >
Sinto’s In-Line Sand Testing (IDST) can measure sand properties immediately before the molding machine:
▶ Compressive strength ▶ Moisture ▶ Permeability ▶ Sand temperature ▶ Active clay (calculated value)
In a green sand molding line, due to distance between the mixing process and molding process, sand properties differ between that at the mixer and that actually used at the molding machine. … Read more >
WE-3 Air Washer Separator replaces magnetic separators!
Place Sinto’s WE-3 Air Washer Separator on any machine! Allows for 99.75% removal of contaminates on first pass and removes up to 8% sand load at >97% efficiency on first pass. This high efficiency, vertical flow air wash technology with no moving parts utilizes air-flow rates greater than 2,000 ft./min.… Read more >