Studies & Testimonials

Seneca Foundry Purchases X7i-FDH22R-455GR-C BARINDER®

On June 13, 2019, Seneca Foundry was at Sinto America’s manufacturing plant, in Grand Ledge, Michigan, to train on their newly purchased X7i-FDH22R-455GR-C BARINDER® , an innovative, high speed, automated grinder that dramatically reduces finishing time and labor costs, prior to shipping.… Read more >

Donsco Inc. Rebuilds Foundry One Year After Fire

SandMold Systems/ Sinto America

May 23, 2019 Newaygo, Michigan-

On June 1, 2018, Donsco (Wrightsville, PA) was in flames and incurred significant damage to their building and a total loss of their molding lines, sand plant and other areas of their facility. … Read more >

Another Successful Tight Flask Molding Project in North America

Elmira, MI–  EJ , a leading manufacturer and distributor for infrastructure access products, has partnered once again with Sinto and its affiliated companies Heinrich Wagner Sinto (HWS) of Bad Laasphe, Germany, and Roberts Sinto Corporation of Lansing, MI, completing the installation of its third HWS Tight Flask Molding System in North America.… Read more >

Franklin Iron Works Purchase FBO-IIIS Molding Machine and Mold Handling System

In 2018, Sinto America partnered with Franklin Iron Works on a new, fully automatic mold handling system with weight & jacket setting. This allowed Franklin Iron works to improve mold and casting quality while increasing productivity. This system was custom engineered to handle any mold size, pouring, cooling, shakeout or other layout needs!… Read more >

Sistema de manejo de moldes de productos fundidos de Sinto

En los 3 años transcurridos desde la instalación de Sinto’s Mold Handling System para acompañar a sus FBO Máquina de moldeo, han visto una mejora dramática.


El Sr. Colby Medlen, director de operaciones, explica que en el pasado, cuando los moldes se transferían a los vagones o hasta la plataforma de vertido, las vibraciones causaban ocasionalmente roturas y defectos dentro del molde que eran difíciles de ver.… Read more >

Talladega Pattern and Aluminum Works, Inc.

Talladega Pattern and Aluminum Works es una instalación de fundición de aluminio y latón ubicada en Talladega, Alabama. Comenzando en 1954 como taller de maquinarias y patrones, ahora se especializan en la fabricación de piezas de fundición de calidad utilizadas en equipos de parques infantiles, accesorios de línea de postes, conectores de subestaciones, partes de camiones de alimentación y estructuras de señalización de carreteras.… Read more >

Farrar Adds BARINDER® & Reduces Grinding Time

In the beginning, there was hand grinding. Parts were non-uniform, progress was slow and injuries weren’t uncommon. After robots came on the scene, parts started to become more uniform, but mistakes could be easily duplicated. They were prone to breakdowns, and although parts could be finished relatively faster, the machines still required a one-to-one ratio to human operators.… Read more >