

Vertical Indexing Conveyors

FEATURES: Design offers narrow foot print saving valuable floor place Accurate positioning for automated unloading Unique design allows for handling long parts for operator ease of use and flexibility Modular, common drive and take-ups Pallet pitch between 14″-42″ or greater Design allows for re-circulation of parts not unloaded Parts may be loaded and unloaded anywhere on the conveyor Maintenance friendly Flexible and modular design Fully automatic… Read more >

Horizontal Indexing Conveyors

FEATURES: One-piece welded frame design with common drive and take-ups Drive package is available in various ratios with integrated brake motor or Posidyne clutch brake and adjustable torque limiter Accurate positioning for automated loading and unloading Customizable lengths and widths available Operator and maintenance friendly Flexible and space saving design Fully automatic… Read more >

Buffering Conveyor / Accumulating Pallet Conveyor

FEATURES: Pallet design allows for continuous running chain with asynchronous pallet motion Conveyor’s Load End run independently from the Unload End The over/under design allows for varying load and unload cycle times Flexible design allows pallets stop locations to be set at any place along the conveyor Conveyors can convey wide range of part types, sizes, and weight Accumulate parts hanging from a part hanger, overhead configuration or parts placed in a parts nest in a tabletop configuration Accommodates both manual and robotic loading and unloading Flexible and modular design Fully automatic… Read more >

SMXI Wire Rod

FEATURES: The running costs for descaling can be reduced by 20% at the maximum as compared with our conventional machines Fitted with a shot quantity adjustment system that optimizes the shot quantity according to the steel or scale type. By optimizing the shot quantity, it is possible to prevent excess energy consumption and slow the wear of consumables.… Read more >

Structural Blast- SCRA

FEATURES: Structural blast machine Uniform surface finish Versatile for plate and multiple beams Advanced abrasive blow off Stability throughout the blase Less handling with correct orientation Lower maintenance cost Full production capabilities Floor mounted separator No part on part contact Complete part size Flexibility within work envelope

If you would like more information or a custom quote on a structural blast machine, please contact Sinto.… Read more >

SUA Rocker Barrel

FEATURES: Shaker Blast / Rocker Barrel Machine Greatly reduced work force, no workers are required to transport castings Comfortable and safe working conditions Compact layout is possible requiring only about half the space of an equivalent batch type machine Reduced lead time- continuous blasting minimizes time loss

If you would like more information or a custom quote on a rocker barrel machine, please contact Sinto.… Read more >

Sand Reclamation Systems

RSR Series Sand Reclamation system is designed to generate the optimum reclamation level for used sand. This system is so efficient, clay bonded sands reclaimed in the RSR can be used for chemically bonded cores.

Sand Reclamation System Features: After reclamation, sand surface area is rounded, requiring less chemical binder to achieve equal or greater tensile strengths when re-used Ceramic lined chamber and ceramic rollers remove the maximum amount of residual binder with minimal wear and easy maintenance Two step cleaning system used to achieve the maximum amount of binder removal Usable sand is always available and new sand purchases are reduced to an absolute minimum Sand reclaimers can be supplied as part of a complete systems including shake-out, lump reducing, metal separation, sand storage, reclaimed sand pneumatic transporting, dust collection and water cooling tower

 … Read more >


An innovative, high speed, automated cutting machine ideal for small to medium size aluminum castings. Barinder’s easy-to-learn programming is designed to be intuitive and allows the operator to teach the machine to automatically perform the same operations that would otherwise be performed manually.… Read more >


An innovative, high speed, automated grinder that dramatically reduces finishing time and labor costs. The BARINDER® has easy-to-learn programming, which is designed to be intuitive and allows the operator to teach the machine to automatically perform the same operations that would otherwise be performed manually.… Read more >