Sinto Surface Treatment’s Shot Blasting Machines

Sinto Surface Treatment, a division of Roberts Sinto Corporation, provides world-class, machine tool quality surface finishing systems and shot blasting machines. Roberts Sinto Corporation is a part of Sinto America, Inc., the North American group holding company, of Sintokogio, Ltd., Japan. The Sinto group of companies has an international reputation for excellence in the foundry, manufacturing and development and surface treatment industry.

Sinto Surface Treatment is well positioned to provide the optimum solution to your finishing challenges. Sinto offers a comprehensiveness line of shot blasting machines and surface treatment systems to fit any application, from centrifugal wheel systems, pneumatic blast systems to vibratory mass finishing systems and automated brush systems. Sinto is your one-stop solution.

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Also, Sinto Surface Treatment also provides contract blasting and precision shot peening services through our National Peening and Technical Metal Finishing divisions.

Sinto America's surface treatment test center with shot blasting

Sinto’s Shot Blasting Machine Line Up