


Texturing is a process utilizing an abrasive media stream propelled against a surface at a high velocity to enhance or modify the existing surface. The purpose for texturing a component could be for any number of reasons, such as providing improved adhesion or friction properties or aesthetics.… Read more >

High Energy Mass Finishing

High-energy mass finishing describes any form of abrasive media-based parts finishing that uses more than the force of gravity and vibration to deburr, radius, smooth, burnish, descale or otherwise prepare parts.  High energy processes use centrifugal force and other mechanical leverage to increase the aggressiveness of the finishing process, versus standard vibratory processes, reducing time and increasing the rate of removal of unwanted surface materials on a variety of wrought, cast and forged components. … Read more >

Vibratory Finishing

Vibratory finishing is a type of mass finishing manufacturing process used to deburr, radius, descale, burnish, clean, and brighten a large number of work pieces. Sinto Surface Technologies uses both bowl and tub type vibratory units to provide both coarse and fine surface finishes as is appropriate. … Read more >

Super Finishing

Sinto Surface Technologies has the process capability to super finish Aerospace, Medical Implants and other components requiring highly polished surfaces. The basic process routinely achieves surface finishes of 20 micro inch / 0.5 micrometer surfaces and can be modified to achieve 10 µin / .25 µm Ra surfaces or better.… Read more >

Automatic Peening

Shot peening is a cold working process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify the mechanical properties of a component. It entails impacting a surface with shot, applying sufficient force to create plastic deformation.

The process is typically used for components to increase fatigue strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking for parts such as axles, springs (helical, torsional and leaf), gears, shafting, aircraft landing gear, structural parts, especially life-limited aircraft engine components such as airfoils and disks, as well as similar items but usage is not limited to such applications.… Read more >

Computer Monitored

Shot peening is a cold working process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify the mechanical properties of a component. It entails impacting a surface with shot, applying sufficient force to create plastic deformation.

Virtually all manufacturing processes, including conventional machining, EDM, ECM, grinding, welding, and plating, create tensile stresses on the surface of the part.  … Read more >

Die Life Enhancement

Shot peening is a cold working process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify the mechanical properties of a component. It entails impacting a surface with shot, applying sufficient force to create plastic deformation.

The process is typically used for components to increase fatigue strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking for parts such as axles, springs (helical, torsional and leaf), gears, shafting, aircraft landing gear, structural parts, and similar items but usage is not limited to such applications.… Read more >

Peen Conditioning

Shot peening is a cold working process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify the mechanical properties of a component. It entails impacting a surface with shot, applying sufficient force to create plastic deformation. Each piece of shot hits the part like a ball-peen hammer and makes a small dimple.… Read more >

Manual Peening

Shot peening is a cold working process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify the mechanical properties of a component. It entails impacting a surface with shot, applying sufficient force to create plastic deformation.

The process is typically used for components to increase fatigue strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking for parts such as axles, springs (helical, torsional and leaf), gears, shafts, aircraft landing gear, structural parts, and similar items but usage is not limited to such applications.… Read more >

Blast Cleaning

Blast cleaning is a process utilizing an abrasive stream of media propelled against a surface at a high velocity to remove rust, scale, coatings, or other unwanted material. This is typically accomplished using pressurized air or centrifugal wheel systems to propel the abrasive media.… Read more >