

FDNX Mold Handling Line

Specialized mold handling line to fit the FDNX Flaskless Molding Machine

FDNX MOLD HANDLING LINE FEATURES: Accommodates any 16″ x 20″ flask size pattern Mold rate of 90 molds/hr. without coreset Cost effective solution for jumping into automatic mold handling Mold machine position can move to various positions on the mold line Up to 20 pouring positions 40 second cycle time to match the FNDX mold machine (cycle time without core setting) Secondary cooling belt conveyor option for additional cooling time HMI with Mitsubishi control panel

Check out the FDNX Flaskless Mold Handling Machine.… Read more >

DST-II Digital Automatic Green Sand Properties Measuring Unit

This green sand unit allows the user to take readings of the sand make up at any point in the system; this is largely because the DST-II is a portable green sand testing unit.  Unlike the fixed sand testing systems that are located in one place, the DST-II can be utilized anywhere.… Read more >

Force Torque Sensor

The ZYXer Strain Gauge Type 6 Axis Force Sensor is a Force/Torque sensor that measures all six components of force and torque: Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and Mz.

The 6-axis force torque sensor, a flagship feature of our ZYXer range, elevates robotic precision to new heights.… Read more >

Electric Cylinders

Eco-friendly electric cylinders that improve assembly and manufacturing quality while reducing scrap and energy consumption

Sinto’s electric cylinders are the smallest and lightest in the industry. In process monitoring of force and position allows users to monitor their assembly and manufacturing process, reduce scrap and control product quality.… Read more >

Gritinox Stainless

With its hard edges and rustproof properties, Gritinox is the low cost alternative to mineral blasting media. The obtained surface structure provides the optimal basis for subsequent coating methods.

Steel Angular Gritinox


Blast cleaning, deburring, sweep blasting of hot dip galvanised surfaces, surface treatment prior to coating, surface finishing, fine and structural blasting, water jet cutting

APPLICATIONS: Bodywork All kinds of aluminium castings Aluminium forgings Zinc pressure die castings Stainless steel castings and forgings Apparatus and welded structures of stainless steel, nonferrous metals Concrete and natural stones AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:

C: 1,95-2,2%, Cr: 27,0-30,0%, Ni: 0,0-0,5%, Si: 1,8-2,2%, Mn: 0,7-1,2%


≈ 710 HV


≈ 4.0-4.2 kg/dm³



500 kg / 1000 kg in 25 kg PE bags on pallets… Read more >

Cast Stainless Spherinox-CR PREMIUM

In an internal refining process we produce a high value blast media: Spherinox-CR PREMIUM, which raises the special qualities of Spherinox-CR to a higher level. Maximum lifetime and significant less dust in the blasting process optimize the customized application.


Surface finishing, surface improvement, deburring

APPLICATIONS: All kinds of aluminium castings Zinc pressure die castings Non-ferrous metals Apparatus construction AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:

C: max.… Read more >

Low-Nickel Stainless Shot (Sperinox-CR)

Spherinox-CR is an effective substitute for conventional CrNi blasting media. This product presents the optimal price-performance ratio. It is used specifically in the various stages of aluminium processing.


Blast cleaning, deburring, surface improvement, surface finishing

APPLICATIONS: All kinds of aluminum castings Aluminum forgings Zinc pressure die castings Apparatus and welded structures of stainless steel Nonferrous metals Concrete and natural stones AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:

C: 0,2%, Cr: 15,9%, Ni: 0,95%, Si: 2,2%, Mn: 1,2%


Delivered state ≈ 290 HV, Ready mixture ≈ 520 HV


≈ 3.8 – 4.6 kg/dm³



500 kg / 1000 kg in 25 kg PE bags on EUR-pallets in cardboard box and shrinkwrap… Read more >

Cast Stainless Spherinox-BC

Besides increased blasting performance, Spherinox-BC also offers a remarkable service life. This makes performance-orientated blasting processes economically viable.

APPLICATION FIELDS: Blast cleaning, deburring, surface improvement, surface finishing APPLICATIONS: All kinds of aluminum castings Zinc pressure die castings Nonferrous metals AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:

C: max.… Read more >

High-Nickel Stainless Shot (Sperinox-AC)


Blast cleaning, deburring, surface improvement, surface finishing

APPLICATIONS: All kinds of aluminum castings Aluminum forgings Stainless steel castings and forgings Zinc pressure die castings Apparatus and welded structures of stainless steel Nonferrous metals Concrete and natural stones AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:

C: 0,05-0,2%, Cr: 16,0-20,0% Ni: 7,0-9,0%, Si: 1,8-2,2% Mn: 0,7-1,2%


Delivered state ≈ 240 HV, Ready mixture ≈ 500 HV

BULK Density:

≈ 3.8 – 4.6 kg/dm³



500 kg / 1000 kg in 25 kg PE bags on EUR-pallets in cardboard box and shrinkwrap… Read more >

Plastic De-flashing Media


Blast cleaning, deburring of machined die cast parts, deflashing of thermoset appearance parts

APPLICATIONS: Duroplast parts Rubber parts Silicone parts Elastomer parts Zinc pressure die castings PROPERTIES: Long service lives (high resistance) High ductility Free of blasting residue No color transfer Uniform grain shape and size MATERIAL: Polyamide PA 6 Other materials and colors on request SIZES: 0.75 mm x 0.75 mm 1.00 mm x 1.00 mm 1.50 mm x 1.50 mm Other sizes on request GRAIN SHAPE: Cubic Cylindrical SPECIFIC WEIGHT: Approx 1.12-1.14 kg/l BULK DENSITY: Approx 0.68 kg/l PACKAGING: 20 kg PE bag Other packaging on request… Read more >