A key aspect of shot peening and component surface modification in general is the control of the materials used for the surface modification process. Sinto Surface Technologies skilled technicians can come on-site at your plant to provide material classification services to support your in-house surface enhancement processes. The purpose of material classification is to remove debris and broken, damaged or misshapen material that can have a deleterious effect on the surface processing in your shops. Sinto Surface Technologies provided these services to some of our largest clients, and can offer this service at all of our locations in North America.
- Convenient local support from our network of plants in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest
- Provides consistency with Sinto Surface Technology services locally for the same client
- Ensures your personnel are producing product within your in-house processing cell, rather than performing maintenance functions
- Can be bundled together with other surface modification technologies offered by Sinto Surface Technologies on an outsourcing basis.