Studies & Testimonials

Articulos Metalicos de Cadereyta, S.A. de C.V. discusses the benefits of using Sinto Flaskless Molding Equipment in their facility

From food processing to automobile manufacturing, they produce many kinds of castings.

Located in Cadereyta Jiménez, N.L., Mexico, Articulos Metalicos de Cadereyta, S.A. de C.V. Foundry (AMC Foundry) was founded in 1973 by Eliud Gutierrez and Arturo Garza. Putting in sixteen-hour workdays and paying close attention to customer needs, the company was able to double its production every two years.… Read more >

Talladega Pattern and Aluminum Works, Inc.

Talladega Pattern and Aluminum Works is an aluminum and brass casting facility located in Talladega, Alabama. Starting in 1954 as a machine and pattern shop, they now specialize in the manufacturing of quality castings used in playground equipment, pole line hardware, substation connectors, feed truck parts and highway sign structures.… Read more >

Farrar Adds BARINDER® & Reduces Grinding Time

In the beginning, there was hand grinding. Parts were non-uniform, progress was slow and injuries weren’t uncommon. After robots came on the scene, parts started to become more uniform, but mistakes could be easily duplicated. They were prone to breakdowns, and although parts could be finished relatively faster, the machines still required a one-to-one ratio to human operators.… Read more >